River Runs ‘25

Novice River Runs

Suitable for our current or past Rippers and Past Lil Rippers.  Those with previous intro to River Kayak course.

May 24 12pm-2pm Bow River Baker park to Shouldice
June 14 12pm-2 pm Bow River Fishcreek to Policeman’s
June 28 12pm- 2pm Bow Bow River Glenmore tr to Fish Creeek
July 19 12pm-2pm Bow River Fishcreek to Policeman’s
Aug 23 Bow River 12pm-2pm TBA

Included in the Season Pass

Intermediate + River Runs

Suitable for Teens and adults with experience running Class II+ rivers and some of our Rippers. If you aren’t sure, please ask.

May 4 Kananaskis  (other depending on flows)
May 17,18 (3 rivers rendezvous) Castle falls
June 8 Highwood (flow dependent)
June 15 Elbow (flow dependant)
June 22 Kananaskis
June 29 Red Deer
Other dates will be added to include race weekends and July Aug

Included in the Season Pass
